raya tahun ni serius best!
tatau asal....rasenye sebab ramai gell datang rumah
then balik rayeee kat kampung..
my selera makan was awesome..
i ate like a pig..pig pun tak makan seteruk tu...sigh~
erm..nway...just to add...asal my beloved school mate tak datang beraye ek?
they were compulsory cme to my house every raya...for this coming rayaa..i dnt actually received any text...call from them..MY GOD!!
im going back to UIA sooner...
not that soon..its tomorrow...then exam..
what a psyco rules..
i started my puasa 6 already..
just to cut my apetite for raya..hey u know what?
im afraid of gaining weight...aiyoooo...its payah to maintain after all.
so...enuff 3 raya already enjoying eating like pig..now have to cut!!
no lemang...no rendang...no no no no!!!!!
omg....cant taste the "nikamat"rayaaa can i??:P
sober....sob sob sob
huhu same lah kite. raya thn ni mmg best kan. meriahnye sbb ramai yg dtg umah :D
hehhe..yes2 sgt best...tp my friends tak dtg!!!!
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