hello dear bloggers,,
im away now..
been busy for a week maybe..
to find any job vacancy for me..
and preparing myself to watch chelsea next tuesay..
omg..i didnt know that avril lavingne is coming to KL..
auchh..now tgh pening..if i get job sooner..whether to stay with my abang or my kawan2..
well,today i went to pavilion with my bestie...
he accompanied me all the way and pilihkan my baju..
topshop sales gila bab...zara..!
dem..sume ok!
now sgt tak tahan..duit x cukup..
tpakse gune duit suami..
so nnti dah keje kene ganti balik duit suami..
nnti derhaka!
i miss him so much..but die x nak layan gue today..
fine..besok gue tanak layan die..pdn muke!..
bukan xnak layan.just need some space..relaxkan hotak yg stress nih..plus watch previous race sweetie
~ lawa la baju tuh.. ;)
btw, memang harus menggunakan duit suami. mana leh tak guna. :P ~
psstttt tang wet suami tuh
gune istilah neh lenkali
==>>Duit mu duit ku jua
alaaa...for sure nyer ur hubby
xakn nak awak ganti balik aaa...kerat jari z nnti taw klo x caye..hehe
eeee..lawo okeh baju tuhhhhh!!!
zie lak yg terberkenan okeh!..:P
pocketrocket : x kenal..??sape ni..
mizzamy: yeay..memang nak gune habis habisan pun..baju tu lawa ek...tp x beli pun sbb rase mcm memmbazir..dem kene g balik forever21
princess:thinks....haha..lovely!!ok2..duit ku duit mu jua..sounds so briliant..haha
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