They are coming to Melbourne...i just got to know the band name from Kuhaz..
thanks kuhaz for introduced me ..a number of indies group....*sigh*
well me and my bf are so addicted to this group..oh yea..they are coming to Melbourne..and the tickets are sold out..and he is flying to poland on the next day unfortunately...in car..he gonna scream like so loud *somebodyyyy*
oh nooooo..*LDR*!!
its nearly 2 months being so near...where i can call him *free* because we are using same networking..!and yaa *texting* bla bla bla...malaysia shud hav one i guess...Maxis to Maxis free..baru best!
all the best to my hun...training so had day by day..hopefully u get the glorious results ahead..
just so share...this song is his favourite....so i hardly remember the lyrics..so yeahh i shud paste to be depict !oh yeaa...i hope i got a correct one for u hun ..:P
its not be somebody ..its use somebody..
Lyrics to Use Somebody :
I've been roaming around
i was looking down at all i see
painting faces, building places i can't reach
you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you
and all you know
and how you speak
countless lovers undercover of the street
you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you
off in the night,
why'd you live it up?
-i'm off to sleep
waging war
to shake the cold(?)
i hope it's going to make you notice
i hope it's going to make you notice
someone like me
someone like me
someone like me
(i'm waiting)
someone like you
someone like you
someone like you
i've been running around
i was looking down at all i see
I've been roaming around
i was looking down at all i see
painting faces, building places i can't reach
you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you
and all you know
and how you speak
countless lovers undercover of the street
you know that i could use somebody
you know that i could use somebody
someone like you
off in the night,
why'd you live it up?
-i'm off to sleep
waging war
to shake the cold(?)
i hope it's going to make you notice
i hope it's going to make you notice
someone like me
someone like me
someone like me
(i'm waiting)
someone like you
someone like you
someone like you
i've been running around
i was looking down at all i see
p/s:emm..im addicted to fall out boys new song too..:D
lamenye tk surf ur blog..giler rindu + byk citer!! dun worry aku bc smpai abes stiap blog ko wlaupun...emm...
hahahawhwha..aku bz giler,tension pn ade...klau dulu tension2 athiah ade tp skng tidak lg..owh sungguh tk cool.. :(
tgk ko happy je kan..aku pn happy gk,so tnk sedih2 la,td ko kol...rindu k...sgtttttt!! take care babe...luv u!!
i miss u n love u bedot...!!
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