OMG..i cant believe it that i made my own karipap..*sigh* i craving to eat karipap curry puff..maybe because that s normal for a woman when the *time to * is the appetite boost so vast!talking about my diet...nahhh!just ignore it....i walk to uni ok!1 hour everyday...
kuhaz said the karipap tasted good.....rite kuhaz? he he he...
thanks for the mom in law @azizul's mom for giving me the receipe :D
i reckon he cant do karipap like me...and ya i cant wait .....because he promised me to cook LAKSA once he comes back...yahooOooooOOooooOOooo!!
sile buat ek sayang.......u dah janji :P
oh Australia and Malaysia only 2 hours ahead....and yaa Prayer time is indeed so early man!!
Western Australia ended daylight saving on March 29 ending that state's three-year trial ahead of a referendum this year.
Daylight saving also ends in New Zealand today.
With an end to daylight saving Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Hobart will be:
* 2 hours behind Wellington
* on the same time as Port Moresby
* half an hour ahead of Adelaide
* half an hour ahead of Darwin
* 2 hours ahead of Perth
* 3 hours ahead of Jakarta
* 9 hours ahead of London
* 14 hours ahead of New York/Washington
* 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles
dang!mushroom noodle gituuuuuuu...
ohhhh...i can cook so well
*sniff sniff*
kuhaz said the karipap tasted good.....rite kuhaz? he he he...
thanks for the mom in law @azizul's mom for giving me the receipe :D
i reckon he cant do karipap like me...and ya i cant wait .....because he promised me to cook LAKSA once he comes back...yahooOooooOOooooOOooo!!
sile buat ek sayang.......u dah janji :P
oh Australia and Malaysia only 2 hours ahead....and yaa Prayer time is indeed so early man!!
DAYLIGHT saving ends today in New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, the ACT and South Australia.
Clocks go back one hour at 3am this morning.Western Australia ended daylight saving on March 29 ending that state's three-year trial ahead of a referendum this year.
Daylight saving also ends in New Zealand today.
With an end to daylight saving Sydney, Melbourne, Canberra, Brisbane and Hobart will be:
* 2 hours behind Wellington
* on the same time as Port Moresby
* half an hour ahead of Adelaide
* half an hour ahead of Darwin
* 2 hours ahead of Perth
* 3 hours ahead of Jakarta
* 9 hours ahead of London
* 14 hours ahead of New York/Washington
* 17 hours ahead of Los Angeles
ohhhh...i can cook so well
*sniff sniff*
u know what
i guess, when u return back malaysia
u can be a good chef then !!
laparnye tgk karipap ni
aku bg 3 bintang la kat karipap ni..
yana, cant belive it.. itu karipap yana yg buat, yg klim kat tepi tu, cantik jer.. mcm dah biasa buat je, blajor kat cik noi ke..
thanks for the compliments ..yeayy...i can cook bf is extra happy to look at me now :X
nak karipap u gak..
xaci ni..u gain n gain..
nak challenge i ler tu..
i need to do sumthin la camni..hehee
nway,i balik nnt nak sedozen karipap u tuh ok..hehehe
see !
he is extra happy i guess
he'll cycle even faster by then
yayang:nk chalenge ape nye yayang..melaksanakan tugas isteri solehah u suke ke karipap?:S
heheehe.....ok muleh je..anything u want honey..sile balik cepat ek sini..saya mahu tgkk wayanggg...dah lame x dating ngn yayanggg :C rinduuu taaaau!!
nabil:of coz baby.....hahhhhaahah....die cycle faster sbb gf ade di sisi...gituuuuww
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