Monday, January 4, 2010

Ticha Besday Bash on 1 jan 2010

Ticha is now 2 years happy she likes my present so much!!forgot to take a picture of her with her present.well,anyway,the ceremony was awesome.we invited our special guests all the way from Penang .It was happy to meet them and talk to them .."tak kenal maka tidak cinta" seharusnya kita harus saling mengenali untuk mengetahui seseorang itu...jadi New Year 2010 di mulakan dgn lakaran sejarah yang cukup bermakna..
Happy Birthday Ticha and Uncel Gee...May Allah bless all of you ..!:)
coming up is my sayang.....5 jan 2010
Tema Ungu kerana ticha likes barney...and gmbar2 tu di colour oleh ticha sendiri..briliant sungguh!me and my future in laws ..thanks for coming :)
rugi yay takde..cannot taste all the superb food....

AT Night

then,family gathering once again in my house...this time my uncle who is really good in cooking served us fabulous mee goreng with grilled sotong and grilled ikan *yummy* tambahan pula di cicah ayor asam yang perghhh sedap gila happy to be in Malaysia..and i can taste all yummy food...!!
this is my uncle..i called him "chik"..chik means anak bongsu..he is the only uncle who knows to cook really-really-really well.Zaman2 dolu,chik pernah kerja as a chef dkat Hotel dkat Pangkor..then now sudah tidak kerja masak-memasak lagi...
this is the grilled fishes ..ya Allah sdap gilaaa please!!
ikan bakar spesel
sotong bakar spesel
ayor asam spesel

SELAMAT TAHUN BARU 2010....SEMOGA HARI-HARI YANG MENDATANG DI REDHAI ALLAH.....CERIA DAN SUKSES SELALU...saya sudah mahu pulang ke Melbourne ...hoh yeah :)

070110 ..awaits

"Allah ya Allah,aku bermohon kepadamu,lindungilah keluargaku ya Allah,permudahkan lah segalanya untukku ya Allah.Engkau Maha Mengetahui dan Maha Mengasihani"

1 comment:

miley dania said...

hi tya..
remember me
its me dania on flickr..
i hope you will be fine


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