Assalammualaikum w.b.t
CONGRATULATIONs to my becoming husband for his magnificent!
honestly,im so happy to receive his news..i was a bit delay because i left my phone back at home ..he was texting me to tell me his news..but i brought different phone to the mall...
pegi mall pun ,sbb nk cari brg kawin juge,sorry hun ..but so happy with youuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!
he called me and he said it was his wedding gift to me.. so proud..he is WORLD NO 1...!!do u know what i mean?ok ...
cenggini ..Azizul dalam acara KEIRIN die memegang point paling tinggi layak menerima satu jersey berwarna putih nnti bila dia lawan world championship dkat denmark next MARCH ..he gonna wear that jersey...if let say my sayang menang GOLD time tu ..dia akan pegang rainbow jersey pula..!!konklusinya,itulah idaman nya..sbb Malaysia tidak pernah pun menyarungkan mane2 jersey sebelum ini ....saya sanggat bersyukur dan berbangga jugak..sbb sang suami berkata "
Yang,ni rezeki kite nk kawin ,bende yg baik Allah redhai"
tentulah ..hati saya terasa sangat tersentuh dan sangat fuhhhhh..
i just cant believe it that the guy who won a title World No 1...gonna be my husband next week..
indeed,he deserved what he got....i knew how hard he used to train ...and i knew him very well..
some of the people out there,might feel anxious with his performance after married ..but tell u what,,he is someone with full of vision ..he has planned himself from A to Z....and Alhamdulillah,
our journey going well ..
the important to do is ..understanding...i have to discipline myself to understand his carrier..
kalau mcm couple2 lain ..if nak bergayut tu mesti tengah2 malam bagai ..for me..our late night is 9.00 pm ..tu paling lewat if nak ngade2 kol ,,mimpi ke way!its not in my diary..kalau i had a bad nightmare ..have to do some other things...hi hi hi..and im taking ARCHITECTURE ..and there is no malam for me..i have to stay awake to do my design have to stay focus ..cannot jiwang2 sgt kalau dpt spend mase bersame tu ..memang best gile..
and both of us,,trying to understand each other carrier..he tried to understand architecture and so do i....i really love him so much ...and im grateful ,bersyukur kepada Allah S.W.T hoping for the best in life ..sometime bende yg contra tu menjadi benda yg menarik and challenging benda yg same between kiteorg sangatlah byk ...takleh enclosed...supriseeeeeeee
but yaa.......contohnya if he demam ,i will demam esoknye..and if he batuk..i will batuk ..even i was in Malaysia and he was in OZ..miracle sungguh!!indeed,nk kawin sgt tak sabar sbb nk explore lg ape yg same...hihiii..muah muahhh
this year gonna be my final year to finish my master ,,and at the same time i cope the responsibility as a wife..pray for me and him ..and mcm x percaya ok sudah mahu kawin ..
many thanks to my friends,Anis Diana,Ermalina and Hayyum for helping me up to siap the hantaran.....after nikah,my life gonna be abit hectic.....and i will follow my husband to Melbourne .....sedey pule nk tinggal MALAYSIA ...ikut suami :D....wish me LUCK,people!!thanks for the wishes....
i hope to see my husband 2nd GOLD tomorrow ..i know he will ...semangat baru ...cewahhh
i have to visit my sister at TKC tomorrow ..never visit her for ages..kesian ...!
thanks for reading my blog !doakan kami yee.....
Love u ols...

Tya boO