Friday, October 10, 2008

6 Things You Must Do To Lose 20 pounds in 3 - 4 Weeks

1. You need to Eat 4 times a day 3-4 hours apart

Why eating 4 times a day helps you lose weight fast...
  • Eating 4 smaller meals a day gives you a higher metabolism which means... You'll lose more weight and...
  • Eating 4 times a day keeps you from not getting hungry which means... You won't overeat and gain weight.

2. Before each meal you need to....

  • Eat at least 2 whole raw fruits and/or vegetables - For example you can eat... 2 carrots, a head of broccoli & a banana, an apple & orange, or either 4 sticks of celery and...

  • You're going take 1 scoop of any kind of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in 8-to-12 ounces of water and usually...
    • 1 scoop of whey protein or Soy protein is about 100 calories and if you don't like drinking whey or soy protein...
    • Then you can eat another 100 calorie source of protein like small cans of tuna or chicken or a some nuts.
Why doing this helps you lose weight fast...
  • Your body has to burn a lot of calories (burn lots of FAT) to digest all the raw fruits & vegetables you eat and since you're eating them 4 times a day... You're going to lose weight fast.
  • Eating raw fruits & veggies (not cooked or steamed) will help you lose weight fast. FACT: Farmers feed pigs steamed or cooked veggies to fatten them up because they know raw veggies will slim them down.
  • Eating raw fruits & veggies, drinking whey or soy protein & ice cold water means... You'll never get hungry, never have any cravings or a big appetite so... You'll eat less and lose more weight faster.
  • Raw fruits & veggies remove toxins from your blood and once these toxins are gone... The enzymes in the raw fruits & veggies liquefy and flush fat out of your body.
  • Make sure you AVOID fruit juices, dried fruit & canned fruit with sugar added.

3. After you eat your fruits & veggies and drink your protein...

Depending on how hungry you are (based on scale of 1-to-10 with 1 being satisfied and 10 being real hungry) you're going to eat 0-to-300 more calories of these kinds of weight loss foods and you're going to avoid these bad foods so...
  • If your hunger level is between 1-3 (based on a hunger scale of 1-10)... eat only 0-150 calories and...

  • If Your hunger level is between 4-7... Eat only 100-200 calories and...

  • If Your hunger level is between 8-10... Eat 200-300 calories.
Why doing this helps you lose weight fast...
  • Eating less will help you lose weight fast but don't Worry about getting hungry because...
  • When you eat fruits & veggies and protein before all of your 4 meals... This will make you feel not that hungry or not hungry at all and...
  • The reason why you need to stay away from candy & fast foods is because these foods make you hungry and make you gain weight faster
  • .

4. You need to drink 70 ounces of ice cold water everyday

Why drinking ice cold water helps you lose weight faster...
  • Ice cold water raises your metabolism. The colder the water is - The more weight you'll lose because... Your body has to keep burning calories (or keep burning fat) to heat the cold water back up to body temperature.

5. Use a fat burner like Wu-Yi Tea or Extreme Green Tea to also help you lose weight faster.

It's best to take your fat burner in the morning 30 minutes before your first meal or right before your morning workout and... Then take your fat burners again in the evening.

6. Do 1 of the weight loss workouts below at least 3-to-4 times a week...

You can do 1 of these 3 weight loss workouts...
  1. Do the weight loss workout from the 'Lose last 10 pounds plan'
    Advanced (& probably toughest) weight loss workout but... Best for fastest results.
  2. Do the weight loss workout from the 'How to Lose 50 pounds plan'
    This is a good moderate-to-High intensity workout for any fitness level but... It's also good for fast weight loss results.
  3. Do phases 3-to-7 of this weight loss workout plan
    Best for lower fitness levels or beginners.
Weight Loss Workout Tips...
  • Workout in the morning to burn more fat
  • Make sure that each week (or even daily) that you either add more time to your workout and/or increase the intensity or your workouts so your body doesn't get used to the workouts you're doing so you'll keep losing weight fast and better yet...
  • Try a completely different workout weekly to give your body new things it doesn't expect so you can keep losing weight faster and...
  • If you don't have time to workout - Do 3-to-5 smaller 10 minute workouts during the day to help you lose weight fast and...
  • If you hate to exercise and still want to lose weight fast - then you need to eat more high protein foods and/or more fruits & veggies in your 0-to-300 calorie meals.

An Example of What You'll Be Doing Everyday To Lose 20 pounds...

At 7:30am
You're going to wake up and take some fat burners and then after that... You're going either wait 30 minutes and eat breakfast or the best thing you can do after taking your fat burners is to go do one of these weight loss workouts and then at...

8:00am (Breakfast - or whenever you finish your morning workout)
You're going to eat at least 2 whole raw fruits and/or veggies and you're going to drink one scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water and right after that...

Depending on how hungry you are (see the hunger scale again) you're going to eat a 0-300 calorie breakfast. Then about 4 hours later at...

12:00pm (Lunch):
You're going to have 2 more raw fruits and/or veggies, another scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water followed by a 0-300 calorie lunch and then around....

3:30pm (Snack):
You're going to have a 0-300 calorie mid-afternoon snack but before you do... you're going to eat 2 whole raw fruits and/or veggies plus your 1 scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water and Then around...

6-6:30pm (30 minutes before Dinner)
You're going to take another fat burner pill and 30 minutes after you take your fat burner pill at...

6:30 -7pm: (Dinner)
You're going to eat a 0-300 calorie dinner, but right before dinner you're going to eat your raw fruits and/or veggies and one scoop of whey protein or Soy protein mixed in water and here's some...

How much weight will I lose doing all of this?

The amount of weight you lose doing this plan mainly depends on how overweight you are so basically... The more overweight you = the more weight you'll lose in 3-to-4 weeks on this plan and a good rule of thumb to follow is this...

How do I maintain my weight after losing 20 pounds?

You can simply maintain your weight by...

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