wut a lovely day..i meet all my dearest Cataluna980..before heading to Azie's house...we stop 1st to take a picture..quite a long time i never have a chance to meet them..so before fly,i have to grab the oppurtunity to meet them!oh yeaa..all of them ... looking so gorgeous!and definitely sangat tak matang!once jumpa,was like yelling and all the "kenangan terindah" reveal..they started to gossip...and basically mention about our memories when we were together...ahh loveeee...all of them are now working....except ME!hehehe...Ieka said i used to bully her during school time...ngeh2...she is so stunning!..and working in Mahkamah Syariah..so,if there s any cases regarding divorce and all can meet her to nagotiate ..Ieja,,the only girl who still the same..not like others(u got wut i mean rite)..she owned a car already!and now working as a Researcher for IMR..she was soooooooo excellent in Mathematics..She was my tutor too..Her add math and modern math were awesome...100 and 95 above..sangat hebat!!!!Shima..we used to call her "Ramona Rahman"..yet gorgeous too....now working as a Account's teacher..Ansariyah..i called her "Kak Cik"..i like her atittude so much..so "kakak" one..just finished her studies in USM..now working as part time teacher..Mimi....my ketua dorm...the only one with small body..and short!he he he...and she was our conductor for choral speaking too..durhh~a bad lady driver...no signal!isk isk isk...now working in a Bank nearby her house..She took Finance when she was in UNIMAS..Kemal...now still studying in USIM..under Financial and Syariah ..(rasenye laa) Kemal ..was a news distibutor during our school time..she loves Siti Nurhaliza to the fullest...!!Ermalina Hanita,,,my librannnn ever friend..we shared the same birthday and often celebrate together..now she is working in Hospital Fatimah as a therapist..the red banjar named Anis Diyana..the only Cataluna who has a boyfriend in a same school..his bf now is in Russia doing Medicine ..so me and her are same in situation..sigh...Anis was a grade A students too..top 10 in our batch...now working as "Pakar Fizik"..like physic so much...last but not least,Elina Syakila..also known as EL..budak pandai juge...sangat suke subjek sains..and She s now working as "Pakar KIMIA"..and yeahhh...thanks teacher..we end up to be someone even we were so nakal during our school time....actually ramai lagi x de...rindu betol kat semua budak2 Cataluna980..ni jumpe 10 org pun dah kecoh..apatah lagi kalau jumpe one batch..dgn Rafidah Nur,Syira,Farah Syazana Iryani Syam,Wan Malini,Diana Hasan Nawawi,Murni,Hajar,Paeh,Afizza...durhh ramai durh..all the otai2 one..semua sedang bz kerja...dan bz bercinte...nympass!!
shima and irnie hazreen...both of them still single and available..
so in CATALUNA980...azie goes first......!!congrats...wink wink
so in CATALUNA980...azie goes first......!!congrats...wink wink
kak tya bila pulak??
gaya kak tya posing mcm supermodel la..haha
kalo adik nak tau..ni la model dlm cataluna 980 dulu..kan tya kan..best jumpa ko.. :)
oh,ye ke??=)
model..omg..rizal was there..im so malu dem..:P
jgn percaye...she is insane banjar with HUGE TEETH!
kak tya bile pulak??
me..?i need to finish my master 1st kot...lambat lagi..kene kumpul duit dulu...now takde duit la dik..lgpun kawin isnt a simple thing..have to think wisely...
who's next??? hihihi
mesti sonok gile dpt jmpe kwn2 lama
tya...aku nk kcik ati ni...sb x mention nme aku, mntang2 mse benti kt kdai tu aku mne d amik lg..
ok2,fine...tau la majuk ngan aku sb aku rampok ko nyer g~bag..papepun g~bag tuh, nnt aku ganti mse kenduri aku...huhu
haha..g~bag pun di rampok ke?takpe..kawin aku..aku bg sorang 2..ngeh2..
haha...bkn aku yg rampok k...kwn tya la...aku d nk kasi, tp dia kta x yah...so, how could i do?
kawan tya yang mano?urm..
ala yayangku inaz..sorry la..nk tulis tp entry name ko lebaq sgt..sbbb g~bag i ilang!nnti laaa ak tmbah balik..ala muchuk2 cikgu zaimah!
sha la kawin dulu batch kita..azi number 2, teh number 3 na nida number 4..hehheh, siapakah yg ke-LIMA???
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