Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Twilight addicted
anyway..its kinda suprise..when edward cullen appears,all the crowds were screaming out loud...i felt like everyone got a crush on him...
reading the novel and watching the movie ...phewwww
u can feel the story i tell u..
edward cullen..and all cullens are sooo mesmerize..
i like it so muchh!
hasad dengki
dont have this kind of attitude..
how our own race wanna improve if still have jealousy,envy, to see others ..
we should support in other way...not give a harsh on and so forth..
we should grow be in one more level..looking at other countries..
how they reciprocating between each others..
we want our country to be well develop..but,,if our mind still the same..being busy with others life..thats too bad..thinking about ur own future is better rather than think about others life..
looking at ur own self first...are u succed enough?are u smart enough?are u somebody without vision?
indeed,im so sad..reading at newspaper today..about "ekin and mawi"..pity her..not only about ekin i think obviously people cant see other ppl a muslim,we should pray for their relation not to spread a bad news..this and that..reveal about the old stories..shoooottt!
tolong la...orang-orang di luar more bijak la..cerdik sikit ke ape...
kenapalah...perlu ade hasad dengki sesame manusia?
Allah memberikan kesemua umatnya dengan saksama..Its own us actually to usaha more..Jangan la merosakkan hubungan orang lain..dan cuba untuk menjatuhkan kaum sendiri..
Bukak la mata..lihatla betapa teruknye melayu zaman sekarang...not to say all teruks..
but im so sad looking at my youth the neglected to perform solat..covering the aurah ..and study!!
we need to gain a lot of knowledge abroad people..they read a lot..and they gain a lot..if we didnt read..and we just simply heard about this news from will be a calamity!
our millinieum ppl,have to change...kena ade vision...helping others to improve..
see how japanese can survive?and i want malays survive like them too...dont simply depends on for it..and jangan sebok pasal idup org lain...lantak laa girlfriend die tua dari boyfriend die ke ape kan...janji dorang tak kacau idop korang...and korang tak yah sebok pasal their life..see urself first before judging others...are u knowlegable enough?kalau dah rasa cukup perfect..bleh la di considerkan...sbb wise in kalau rasa diri tu masih lagi x cukup bagus..shuuut up..improve diri sendiri..baru sebok pasal org lain....heeeeeeeee....
actually,,im so sad..looking at some people..they love to bother others..jangan la begitu kawan-kawan..lihatla negara bukan islam,kenapa meraka begitu berjaya?we have to follow their attitude ...itu saja saya nk ckp..
*Be non-judgemental and open-minded about our differences
*Live simply and organically
*Treat all people with equal respect
The soles of our sandals are made from a rubber mixture: 30% from used rubber tyres; 70% lightweight durable rubber.
Customers are given shoe bags instead of plastic bags, which double as general purpose totes.
Used shoes boxes and worn out marketing materials are sent to a recycling company.
We use eco-friendly paper for all our marketing collateral e.g. brochures, product tags
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
i miss u so much..cintaku...
haish!rindu noo kat kawan ku sorang ini..
ape kaba la agaknye..
sure dah makin kurus..
tya rinduuu dodot....!!
Same shirt =)
i love tuesday at STAR WORLD....y?because the programmes are damn good at night..i can watch 90210,,Grey Anatomy and Desprate Housewives..i likeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee =D
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
switzerland trip 2008
2 months more to GEELONG,AUSTRALIA!!
my campus is near to waterfront..and my seniors said the place is soo awesome!
311 make a come back
Monday, November 24, 2008
Terengganu visit..menenun songket di rumah sepupunya
especially the kueh..and the pantai....
and definitely..the people...=)
i miss them ..please!
adah....i miss ur laugh as well..ur sway baby!..ur kelisa! the way u called my name.."tyaaa"
peah....i miss ur mole..miss ur glancing..oh salman!
adah...i miss ur yellow kelisa..i miss ur hair..i miss ur laugh
bedot...dodot...all on u..especially ..lem bed..!
masy...miss to kutuk u..miss to watch Korea series and laugh out loud smpi subuh
dira...i miss to scrub u..and hug u while u were sleeping...
mek ye..miss her style..her gorgeous way of ikat her tudung
fiza...miss to karaoke with her..miss to shop..she is really MAK DATIN!
fee..miss to her style..watching RAIN together...and screammmmmmmmm!
moon..miss her voice..she loves to sing!
saidah..miss her stories..
i miss them...!
so much...!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
go go Kety Perry!!!!
My Choral Speaking TEXT ..when i was budak sekolah
HOSTEL..hostel of the year..You know what is HOSTEL exactly?Hostel is WELFARE HOME......what??welfare home?NO!Hostel is a place or a sanctuary for the chosen person.Like house wkere there are a lot of facilities and entertainments..Hostel also has that but not really luxurious as what we have in our house.When we stay in a hostel..we actually change our life style.You know hostel life seems very amazing.The first thing we will meet is F.R.I.E.N.D.S.These are many different tyape of people.Such as thin,tall,fat,short,cute,preety and the most peculiar that we will meet is the nerd.If we have a huge problem our beloved family and parents will try to solve it,but in hostel we depends on our friends.Excuse me!Who will look after all those students in the hostel?Oh..our papa and mama la..But!Not the real parents,the papa and mama are our wardens.Oh!I'm so scared ehen i first meet them.Why scared??Isk..iskk.iskk..the warden are very nice,kind,helpful,polite and responsible person.If we behave in a good way.But!If we do not obey the rules,indiciplines,of course,all hell breal loose.The duty of warden is to teach and guide the students.warden also are our foster parents.So!don't you ever,ever,foerever,ever,foerever,ever forget to thank them for their guidance.The best encounter we ever had was jeng..jeng..jeng..TEMPANG!TEMPANG!GHOST!Everybody in the hotel say ah ah..scream!Scream!Run!Run! just an imagination.That's why la we must..wait!That is not a ghost maaa...!!I think taht is an ungka!Where?There!How come you can't see?So cute maaaa!The most important tools are the luxury fot HITZ.FM,THR,RFM,ERA Rentak Muzik Terkini.Walkman!!You know one day i ate mee maggie..Mee maggie is fast to cook..good to eat...Mee maggie is fast to cook good to eat..But!Oh..oh..oh..The warden caught me red handed,I was unlucky that day!She's unlucky..She's a star and she cry cry cry with the lonely heart thinking.Oh,so pity girl.STOP!Attention,to hostelian!Today we will hold a gotong-royong starting at 9 o'clock sharo.If you are late your name will be taken my prefect.Oh!I'm lazy to do it but rush.rush,clean the dorm,sweep the floor,wash the window,hang the clothes.If not the clothes will be thrown by the prefect at the badminton court.Oh no!Goting royong will teach us to be cleaner,neater and tidier but the most important of gotong-royong is fighting with other friends.No la!But!To make our relationship closer,closer and closer.PUM,KOOP, time..fat time..staving,hungry but you can get it from them like nasi lemak,hey nasi goreng,hey very delicious,burger kebab and hotdog.Food time after preparation class.Dining hall,it is a place like a canteen but different bcause you have paid it already.Run and Rush for breakfast,lunch.dinner,tea-time and supper.The food here teaste delicious,tasty,helathier and good.Queue up first before you get your food.But!if you want it fast and quick cut every one's line..Hey!That cheating..Information technology..information technology..cyber cafe in the hostel is a ususal hang out for teen like us.Chatting,internet,music,assignment you can go over thaht.It is an essential in our hostel life because we need a lot of information for our future undertakings.Mosque.Discuss and solve problem about ghost,hostel,dining hall.studying.Dont forget kuliah magrib after maghrib prayer.Saturday and sunday..relax...TV time!Hey,guys..but today movies?Kahona Pyar Hai.Doraemon.News On 7.Kulliyah.Hollywood.Blooywood.Malaywood.Favourite together,laugh together.satisfaction is very important for us.Make us closer..closer and closer...Hostel life has its up and downs.You may realize the significant of this life.Once you leave it you might find that there is no other life equal to hostel life..stop!stop!thank you...
p/s:thanks anis u love u...sinnun kabir ana uhibbu fillah..wa anti?aidon?
agak COOL?
and..i like one lovely top dkat guess..sooooo nice....blink blink!tp shooot..takde duitt...tension nyeee...zaman-zaman student ku sungguh indah ..=(
Azizul the GOLD MEDALLIST =)
sorry for the quality..i knew its bad..
but heyy.....we should be proud!!
azizul made a magnificent job to uphold MALAYSIA to the world.
Good job as anak melayu!
im so proud!!!
well,media i hope u guys keep on updating the recent news..and alert with everything..
im so sad..waiting to watch any news on tv about him...but hopeless..they love to bother about other international players rather than MALAYSIAN!!come on..
anyway,, long as i got the INFO a,s,a,p i will spread the news.....
indeed,,im so happy with him...He made it ..that size doesnt matter...!
Just determination and knowledge lead to success...yahooooo!!
congratsss darling....:)
a very happy moment ..when our national anthem "Negaraku"is playing out loud at the velodrome..thanksssss ....u make us proud!!! sangat-sangat bangga...marilah kita sama-sama menyokong AZIZUL!!yeahhhh
p/s:For Azizul fans out there..keep on supporting him..and give him more enthusiasm..Azizul must be no 1..MALAYSIA BOLEH!!..
Friday, November 21, 2008
hoping he will win
hoping he can ride so well..
and win!!
he is one of the 4 young excellent riders in the competition
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Tsunami warning!
Dunia makin tua...manusia masih lagi alpa..jangan tinggal solat...jangan menyakiti hati org lain..jangan menfitnah orang.....Jangan dengki kepada orang lain...Allah telah memberikan qada' qadar kepada setiap insan ..jadilah Kalifah di bumi ini dgn mensyukuri segala nikmatnya...Jika ada salah dan silap dilakukan...Harap di maafi...Tegur dgn cara yang sopan...bukan melontarkan bahasa2 kesat yang tidak melambangkan ciri-ciri seorang muslim...
Monday, November 17, 2008
bon vayage ..URP students...they are heading to KOREA!
when we have a vacation with friends outside malaysia..
STUDY VISIT!!....see the culture n improve something which is missing..
last time was our batch, visited DAMASCUS,Syria...and then landscape students they visited CHINA ..Applied Art...they went to SINGAPORE..and now...URPAN REGIONAL PLANNING..they are now heading to KOREA ...
vacation with friends definitely diff with family..
indeed,i enjoyed myself so much with the trip!
so now,URP students...kick ur ass off...
play with the snow..i knew now its winter in korea..
and please....if u meet RAIN BI...send my warm regard!
What about QS students??....takan visit malaysia je kot...come on...
Sunday, November 16, 2008
and yet,im so sleepy now..
should doze by now..
well,tomorrow i have to go to KL again!
so cant watch chelsea..
hopefully the blues fans will update me..
good night
Saturday, November 15, 2008
hip hip hoorayyy!!
Glass Painting
Thursday, November 13, 2008
hip hip horaaay
but still,,im so afraid to futher my studies..
especially to COMPETE! cuak!
i plead his buddies will concern bout him..
no parents..friend should take a big role to assist..
i pray for him as always..
hoping he will cure from his disease..
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
yeah..i got someone who can ordered me a "lomo"
lomolitos sudey..murah2 dulu..lame2 br beli yg atas2 punye.. searching for second hand flash actually...any volunteer?
to where you are
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
anis banjaran also like this song either..
so sloppy and the lyrics quite into us!
i was bumped myself to borders yesterday..
searching for my new novel.
cecilia ahern already came up with her new piece..
called "the gift"
so expensive!..70myr...
i k.i.v myself...indeed,im eager to read any novel from stephenie meyer..
munirah asks me to read this novel..
i found "the host"..the sypnopsis quite interesting..haaaaaaaaa..
but,i havent got enough money to aford me to have one!
so pity rite...
now,,,i read the old novel back ..geeee...
i saw jk rowling book book is coming up...yeay!!
have to save my cash only for book now! weekend was great!
yeop belanja us to eat in this tremendous restaurant at bangsar village..
then,we had our lunch break at mailto:%22FLYING%20CHILIS%22@the garden..
im alone back in home...
next week is school holiday
so liltle sister is hommie!
hip hip hooray....
i miss my niece..tisya the she loves to "angguk-angguk,geleng-geleng"so schomellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!!
hmm..yes o b a m a!new us president...u go OBAMA!
Friday, November 7, 2008
renjis 2
i like renjis 2..
bleh tak?
i think elyana is so cute..
and i like her acting as well..
plus there s one actor acts like an ARCHITECT! sangat cool!
free sungguh architect boleh ngorat2 wedding planner.. :)
kelakar siott!!
pengarah ni buat la research..
architect is a busy human being laaa
no such time to ngorat2...!sigh!
arkitek sgt skema......
meet them...ermalina hanita(left) anis diyana(right) close buddies when i was in school..we visited our school...suprisingly,all teachers still recognise us...even one of them..told us that"CATALUNA is the best batch" me anis and ema...decided to do get use of CATALUNA widely .....
Ajik nan harudo ni saenggak an han jeoki eobseoAmuri an haryeogo haedo sure chwihae jamdeuleobwadoGyeol guken ddo dashi nan ni saenggakeul hago isseoEelboreo dareun saram pume nae momeuljaggo gidaebwado geuraebwadoAchime nuneul ddo neomu nolra geonhwareul bojiGieoki naji anhneun eojetbamHaengyeo sure chwihae neo-ehge jeonhwareul geolesseolkkabwaNeomu na duryeowojyeoNeoreul ijeuryeogo mashineun surindeChwihamyeon deo saenggakinaNeoreul ijeuryeogo mannan yeojadeuliNeoreul deo saenggaknage haeAjik nan harudo ni saenggak an han jeoki eobseoAmuri an haryeogo haedo sure chwihae jamdeuleobwadoGyeol guken ddo dashi nan ni saenggakeul hago isseoEelboreo dareun saram pume nae momeuljaggo gidaebwado geuraebwadoOneuldo harujongil babbeuge jja noheun eelgwadeuleJeongshineobshi momeul madgigoNi saenggakhalkkabwa kkeuteobshi gyesukileul mandeuleotjiHajiman geureolsurokNeoreul ijeuryeogo babbeuge saneundeSalaganeun eeyureul mollaNeoreul ijeuryeogo aessaedo jamkkaniradoShiganinamyeon ddo ni saenggakiyaAjik nan harudo ni saenggak an han jeoki eobseoAmuri an haryeogo haedo sure chwihae jamdeuleobwadoGyeol guken ddo dashi nan ni saenggakeul hago isseoEelboreo dareun saram pume nae momeuljaggo gidaebwado geuraebwadoNeodo nae saenggakeul haneunjiNeodo naega geuriunjiAnimyeon beolsseo nareul eetgo dareun sarange bbajyeo eetneunji
Thursday, November 6, 2008
my cat died..
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
yeay..finally i did it..
hip hip hooray..
next gonna do my medical check up..
my weight didnt improve for this week..
kinda benggang too!
so nvm..we will see ..
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008
CHELSEA,,,,,againts sunderland
yeahh...even hujan but still chelsea is the best...1st half sudey 3 goals...yeay!
then added 2 more goals..haha...hoping liverpool gonna kalah ...
so that chelsea gonna remain the place..yeay!
drogba my fav player is now on!just make a come back after a long injured!
pity to ballack =(
but deco...deco..deco....perform so well!
i love chelsea!
i want to watch the real match in stamford that i can sing the chelsa anthem out loud!
so prerogatives..!sighhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Frank Lampard scored his 100th career goal in the Barclays Premier League against Sunderland upon rain sodden grass at Stamford Bridge while Nicolas Anelka achieved his first hat-trick for Chelsea.
It was John Terry's 350th appearance for the Blues and Petr Cech kept his 100th clean sheet for the club in this emphatic win over our northern rivals.
Didier Drogba returned to the bench after injuring his knee overseas on Chelsea's Champions League campaign, and Mineiro made his debut in front of the home fans.
i wanna watch liverpool next!
totnhem please kicks liverpool butt..!
manchester united...kenapa x draw??hull city!haish!
and arsenal?waddupp??hahah...
sorry to hear..