Arma Abd Rahman, is a famous fashion designer who is currently endevour his business specifically into wedding.I ve seen all his design ..and totally numb to see how creative he is designing magnificent and marvelous outfit to his customer.
Copy from his blog:
Arma Abdul Rahman is a graduate student from UiTM in the field of Art & Design, major in Fashion Design. Seconds after graduating, he started to work on his own wedding planning company. Even though he started from zero, his talent and interest in wedding plan
ning proved when public and even local celebrities started to recognize his name and his creative creation in the wedding planning industry. Mawi and Ekin, Anne (hot FM dj), the winner of reality TV show called ‘gadis melayu”, Aida, Bienda and Elyana are the names of celebrities who already use Arma’s service and creativity to do the pelamin, decoration and also wedding outfit for their big day. Arma, which known as a workaholic person, planning to expand his business to higher level and hopefully one day, his effort will make him one of the big names in the industry.
Have u ever seen Pesona Pengantin Cover by
Anna Rafali?The gown that she wore is designed by cantik rite?!Its kinda trendy ..not too much and not too simple...simply amazing!I really like his touch!!
Anyway,after a longggggggggggggggggggggggggg research and studies about the designer.Im proud to say that i have chosen him Arma Abd Rahman as my wedding designer for my reception which gonna be
held on this coming April....
We have met Arma,and we really like the way he treats his customer and dealing with us.So professional !We can negotiate this and that with him and he is superbbbb negotiable !!!Of coz in ur wedding day,u really need to look gorgeous and awesome...and choosing the best designer is a must because u just have a reception once in ur life time!
So,im pretty exciting to see how my wedding gown look like..but im kinda nervous too because im still fat!My mama said "rugi duit if ur badan still vemok"
huwaaaa.....jgn salahkan ibu mengandung...salahkan genetik yang di bawa.....
For my dearest blog readers,this is the roughly idea of my husbeng outfit..He looks damn segak ber

Dont hesitate to visit his blog :
All his bajus are totally awesome..
Not only bajus ..even his pelamins also look nice..
Credit : Arma Facebook
So tada...he is nominated designer for Athiah Ilyana and Azizulhasni Awang wedding .

Malatops u ols!!
I really loike his pieces of art..sangat-sangat awesome ok!
Mari kite verangan bersama-sama
p/s: Doakan misi kurus ku menjadi wlaaupun masa tinggal lagi 2 bulan!
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